Resume Publication


Satoshi Yokojima

Department of Chemistry
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Research Interests

Theoretical and computational chemistry
Theoretical physics
Analysis of many-body systems, such as, dynamics of the electronic systems


March 1990
   graduated from Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
March 1995
   Doctor of Science (Physics)
   Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
   Advisor: Prof. Reijiro Fukuda

Employment Experience

April 1995  -  August 1995
   Part-time instructor
   Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
August 1995  -  October 1997
   Postdoctoral Researcher
   Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester,  New York; with Prof. Shaul Mukamel
November 1997  -  Present
   Research Associate
   Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; with Dr. GuanHua Chen