
  1. `Derivation of Bethe-Salpeter type N-body bound state equation', 
    S. Yokojima, M. Komachiya, and R. Fukuda, 
    Nucl. Phys. B 390, 319-352 (1993). 
  2. `Density Functional Theory through Legendre Transformation', 
    R. Fukuda, T. Kotani, Y. Suzuki, and S. Yokojima, 
    Prog. Theor. Phys. 92, 833-862 (1994).
  3. `Effective action of a local composite operator', 
    S. Yokojima, 
    Phys. Rev. D 51, 2996-3008 (1995).
  4. `Novel Use of Legendre Transformation in Field Theory and Many Particle Systems 
    --- On-Shell Expansion and Inversion Method ---', 
    R. Fukuda, M. Komachiya, S. Yokojima, 
    Y. Suzuki, K. Okumura, and T. Inagaki, 
    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 121, 1-428 (1995).
  5. `Density-matrix-electronic-oscillator-representation of optical spectroscopy of semiconductor nanocrystals', 
    S. Yokojima, T. Meier, and S. Mukamel, 
    J. Chem. Phys. 106, 3837-3853 (1997).
  6. `Effective Frenkel Hamiltonian for optical nonlinearities in semiconductors: Application to magnetoexcitons', 
    V. Chernyak, S. Yokojima, T. Meier, and S. Mukamel, 
    Phys. Rev. B 58, 4496-4516 (1998).
  7. `Time domain localized-density-matrix method', 
    S. Yokojima and G. H. Chen, 
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 292, 379-383 (1998).
  8. `Generalized linear-scaling localized-density-matrix method', 
    W. Z. Liang, S. Yokojima, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1844-1855 (1999).
  9. `Linear-scaling localized-density-matrix method for the ground and excited states of one-dimensional molecular systems', 
    S. Yokojima and G. H. Chen, 
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 300, 540-544 (1999).
  10. `Linear scaling calculation of excited-state properties of polyacetylene', 
    S. Yokojima and G. H. Chen, 
    Phys. Rev. B 59, 7259-7262 (1999)
  11. `Linear-scaling computation of ground state with time domain localized-density-matrix method', 
    S. Yokojima, D. H. Zhou, and G. H. Chen, 
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 302, 495-498 (1999). 
  12. `Femtosecond four-wave-mixing spectroscopy of interacting magnetoexcitons in semiconductor quantum wells', 
    S. Yokojima, T. Meier, V. Chernyak, and S. Mukamel, 
    Phys. Rev. B 59, 12584-12597 (1999).
  13. `Localized-density-matrix, segment-molecular-orbitals and poly(p-phenylenevinylene) aggregates', 
    S. Yokojima, X. J. Wang, D. H. Zhou, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Chem. Phys. 111, 10444-10451 (1999).
  14. 'Optical excitations in PPV aggregates', 
    S. Yokojima, X. J. Wang, and G. H. Chen, 
    Thin Solid Films 363, 191-194 (2000).
  15. `Localized-Density-Matrix Method and Its Application to Carbon Nanotubes', 
    W. Z. Liang, S. Yokojima, D. H. Zhou, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 2445-2453 (2000).
  16. 'Localized-Density-Matrix Method and Its Application to Nanomaterials', 
    G. H. Chen, S. Yokojima, W. Z. Liang, and X. J. Wang, 
    Pure Appl. Chem. 72, 281-291 (2000).
  17. `Localized-density-matrix method and nonlinear optical response', 
    W. Z. Liang, S. Yokojima, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Chem. Phys. 113, 1403-1408 (2000).
  18. `Reduced Density Matrix and Combined Dynamics of Electrons and Nuclei', 
    Y. Zhao, S. Yokojima, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Chem. Phys. 113, 4016-4027 (2000).
  19. `Theoretical investigation on the effects of -conjugation attenuation of poly (p-phenylenevinylene) polymers upon incorporating 2,2'-bipyridines', 
    M.-F. Ng, S. Yokojima, D. H. Zhou, and G. H. Chen, 
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 327, 374-380 (2000).
  20. `Electronic Structures and Optical Properties of Open and Capped Carbon Nanotubes', 
    W. Z. Liang, X. J. Wang, S. Yokojima, and G. H. Chen, 
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 11129-11137 (2000).
  21. `Photoexcitations in Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Aggregates' ,
    S. Yokojima, D. H. Zhou, and G. H. Chen,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 333, 397-402 (2001).
  22. `Optical Properties of Single-Walled 4Å Carbon Nanotubes' ,
    W. Z. Liang, S. Yokojima, M.-F. Ng, G. H. Chen, and G. He, 
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 9830-9836 (2001).
  23. `Dynamical mean-field approach to dissipative  electron-hole and charge-density wave packet dynamics in conjugated systems' ,
    H. Zhang, X.-Q. Li, S. Yokojima, G. H. Chen, and Y. J. Yan, 
    J. Chem. Phys., submitted.
  24. `Excitation and Dissipation of Interacting Many-Electron System' ,
    S. Yokojima and G. H. Chen, 
    Chem. Phys. Lett., submitted.
  25. `A dynamic mean field theory for dissipative interacting many-electron systems',
    S. Yokojima, G. H. Chen, and Y. J. Yan, 
    J. Chem. Phys., submitted.