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This page contains contact information for all the members of our research group.

From here you can send e-mail to members, or visit their personal home pages.

Prof. GuanHua Chen
Dr. Chi Yung Yam
Dr. LingYi Meng
Dr. Jian Sun
Mr. Heng Tian
Mr. SiuKong Koo
Mr. ChunLei Zhang
Mr. ShuGuang Chen
Mr. ZhenYu Yin

Former members
Prof. ZhongMin Su
Dr. Satoshi Yokojima
Prof. WanZhen Liang 
Dr. Yang Zhao
Mr. ChunKit Tsang
Mr. DongHao Zhou
Dr. Man Fai Ng
Dr. Chi Chiu Ma
Prof. XiuJun Wang
Dr. LaiHo Wong
Dr. LiHong Hu
Dr. Xiao Zheng
Prof. Fan Wang
Dr. Mo Yan
Mr. XiaoBo Li
Dr. JianZhou Zheng
Dr. XiaoJing Ren

Group Photo

Jan, 2006

Nov, 2009

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Prof. GuanHua Chen
BSc(Fudan), PhD (Caltech)

BSc(Fudan), PhD (Caltech)

Job Title: Professor
Research interests: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Hobbies:  Classical rock'n roll and hiking.
Office Location: Rm 601
e-mail: ghc@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. ChiYung Yam



Job Title: Research Asistant Professor
Research interests: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Hobbies:  Football
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: yamcy@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. Jian Sun



Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: Drug Design, MD/Coarse Grained Simulation
Hobbies:  Hiking, Table Tennis, Squash
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: sunjian@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. LingYi Meng



Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow 
Research interests: Computational simulation on electronics
Hobbies:  Hiking, Watching Movies
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: lymeng@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. Chunlei Zhang


Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: System Biology, Study of E.coli Flagella Motor
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: CLZhang@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. Heng Tian


Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: Computational Chemistry
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: tianheng@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. SiuKong Koo


BSc & MPhil (HKU)
Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: Computational Chemistry
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: koo@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. ShuGuang Chen



Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: Computational Chemistry
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: ShuGuangChen@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. ZhenYu Yin



Current Position: PhD Student
Research interests: Computational Chemistry
Office Location: Rm 301
e-mail: zyyin@yangtze.hku.hk

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Prof. ZhongMin Su 

Current Position: Dean of Graduate School, Northeast Normal University,China

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Dr. Yang Zhao 

BSc(Zhejiang Univ., 1988), PhD(UCSD,1998)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
e-mail: yzhao@yangtze.hku.hk

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Prof. XiuJun Wang


BSc(NENU), PhD (Sichuan Univ.)

Current Position: Professor, South China University of Technology, China
e-mail: xjwang@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. LiHong Hu


Current Position:  Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University, Sweden
Research interests: Drug design and Quantum Dissipation Theory
Hobbies:   Golf, badmiton, swimming, reading novels
e-mail:  lhhu@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. LaiHo Wong


Research interests: Artificial neural network and two electron repulsion integral
Hobbies:  Basketball
e-mail: alarry@yangtze.hku.hk

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Mr. XiaoBo Li



e-mail: clzs@yangtze.hku.hk 

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Dr. XiaoJing Ren


BSc (PKU), PhD (HKU)

Current Position: PetroChina Company Limited
e-mail: ren@yangtze.hku.hk  

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Prof. Fan Wang



Current Position: Professor, Sichuan University, China
e-mail: fan@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. Mo Yan



Current Position: National Chiao Tung University
e-mail:   moyan@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. Xiao Zheng



Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University, USA
Research interests: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Hobbies: Football
e-mail: xzheng@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. Jianzhou Zheng


BSc (XMU), PhD (HKU)
Current Position: Finincial Analyst, Nomura International(Hong Kong Limited)
Hobbies: Hiking
e-mail: jzzheng@yangtze.hku.hk

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Dr. Satoshi Yokojima

BSc 1990 (Keio Univ., Japan) PhD 1995 (Keio Univ., Japan) 

Research interests:

Theoretical and computational chemistry, Theoretical physics, Analysis of many-body systems, such as, dynamics of the electronic systems

e-mail: yokojima@yangtze.hku.hk
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Prof. Wan Zhen Liang


Current Position: Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Research interests: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
e-mail: liangwz@yangtze.hku.hk  

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Mr.Chun kit Tsang 

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Mr. Dong Hao Zhou

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Dr. Man Fai Ng

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Dr. Chi Chiu Ma


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2007 Prof. GuanHua Chen Research Group, the University of Hong Kong.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact webmaster@yangtze.hku.hk
Last updated : April 02, 2007