How to use CoPa

Please refer to Gif Animation. The accuracy of estimation is almost same as Web version of applets. Palm version applet calculate directly from molecular structure. (not use smiles)

Please select Icon

This is starting window. You can draw molecular above button. Point somewhere and move stylus.

If you Pen up, Two black circle and line appear. If you pen down near one circle, then that atom is selected. Or you pen down new position and pen up near circle, that result same.

Keep moving stylus and pen up.

If you select one circle to the other circle (no bond yet) you can make ring compounds

If you select same two atoms again, it become double bond. One more time it become triple bond.

Redraw button change circle to Atomic symbol.

If you pen down at one atom and pen up same atom, atom change or delete atom button appear. This applet has no bond delete function, so if you want to delete bond, you have to delete atom. Now only carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are available.

If you choose Oxygen then you can get ketone compound.

After you finish drawing molecular, then push Calc. button.

This example show MW and Boiling point estimation(registered user only) result appear.

you can Calc, Clear, or Exit.
This version you
can not calculate Aromatics, Halogen atoms.

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